
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Day 1 Activity 3

I am interested in the SPCA. They take care of the animals and find good homes for them.


  1. Hey Max,

    You have summed up what the SPCA does and completed this task. It's great to see you are getting on with the SLJ tasks and have completed four activities already but you haven't done a lot of detail.

    Have a read of the activity carefully and answer ever part of the questions in lot of detail. I’d love to see you give this another go so I can give you maximum points.

    I'm looking forward to seeing some great posts on your blog, R=remember that you can skip ahead and do any of the tasks in any order.

    See you in the comments.

    Daniel :)

  2. I don't know anymore about the SPCA.

    Max :)

  3. Hey Max,

    That's alright, I didn't know much till I had a look at the posts of students this week. That's why we research by having a look online, here is the link that was on the SLJ activities page,

    I don't want you to get bogged down if you're feel like you are just done with this task. I would love you to give this another go but I don't mind if you want to just move on and give a different activity a go.

    Daniel :D

  4. Well I all ready had to give another activity another go. Ill try again after I have done all the other activitys.

