
Monday, May 25, 2020

My Pyramid

We are learning about Ancient Egypt. I Made This Pyramid. They built the pyramids from sandstone.
 There a Many Theories, but no one knows for sure how they built it.

What Do I See?

What Do I See?
I see flapping birds.
I see bouncy dolphins as bouncy as a frog.
I see fish darting across the see.
I see rushing water as fast as a car.
I see a stingray rushing across the water.


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Virus Was Usual Enough.

Th Virus Was Usual Enough; it had a lot of germs, masks, People in homes, Gear, it even had a lock down. My family and I did what family's do Play games, yell, Do work, Walk, Stay Home, Watching TV Doing Nothing Important.

Monday, May 18, 2020

My Lockdown Reflection.

I learnt that all the other country's did not do the lock down fast enough that over 1 million people have it in the world. Luckily Jacinda Adern did the lock down fast so that not much people have it.
I like that the community respects the law about the lock down and that they stay home unless its for essential stuff like food and water, Doctors etc.
Luckily Jacinda Is the Prime minister so that the lock down would be fast enough.
I felt happy that we get a rest at home while still doing our work.
I liked spending time with my family and watching movies together.