
Monday, June 22, 2020

Tutankhamun's Mask

Here is my first design for Tutankhamun's Mask inspired by Ancient Egypt. I would love you to post some feedback.


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    1. hi max I really like your mask and the colour you use it look good

  2. Hi Max my name is Benjamin. Your Tutankhamun's Mask is very good. That is very amazing. I hope that you make a good job when you make your mask.

  3. so cool the mouth is down a little bit.

  4. Hi Max good job on your mask i think it looks really good it looks pretty big but i see in one of the parts that really shows out to me i think it's that blue just under the chin were the other pattern is.

  5. Thanks For All The Feedback! :D

  6. Hi Max my name is Gurshan I really like your Tutankhamen mask.The green gives the mask a nice touch to the gold and i hope it turns out grate in real life. when you make the mask can you post it to your blog i would love to see it after it is made. when you make it you should add a touch of blue to your mask it would look rely good with the gold.

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